In India, the average height of a woman is 5 ft. whereas the average height of a man is 5.7 ft. So, how the designer plans out the kitchen interiors to suit every individual’s height for an ideal cooking experience? Moreover, what happens when older parents are taken into picture? All your answers are available with the particular modern kitchen cabinets system. Let’s look at few options for Flawless Kitchen Designs.
What is SERVO-DRIVE for Aventos?
To simplify, servomechanism is a battery-operated, touch sensor amplifier that does work for you. Having a slight tap and a button’s touch, these wall cabinets open and close smoothly, making this system silent and super effortless extraordinarily.
Where can this be installed?
Some people have problems in reaching the higher cabinets so they have opted for SERVO-DRIVE wall cabinets. But, this mechanism can be retrofitted into handless base cabinets and tandem drawers by a professional.
Who Can Derive Most Benefit from SERVO-DRIVE Cabinets?
These modern kitchen cabinets are quite kitchen-friendly. Whether you are elderly and are finding it tough to reach wall cabinets or just want to store expensive dinnerware in a safe place, life is made easier by this system. A low input, like a simple touch on the front of the door, will result in a high output with the door lifting. As a result, the cabinet closing happens at the press of a button on the side. Moreover, you can manually operate these cabinets as well.
How these Cabinets for the Kitchen are Available & How Much is it Going to Cost?
Suntech’s high-tech kitchen cabinets are easily available in a majority of metropolitan cities through their local partner. These cabinets are practically safe and are considered to be a long-term investment. They are values at a higher price range than standard cabinets at approximately ₹20,000-25,000.
These kitchen cabinets are meant to accommodate every member’s height towards enabling an ergonomic cooking experience. These are battery-operated and help make the cooking experience convenient for those people who find it difficult to reach the kitchen wall cabinets. A servomechanism is a battery-operated, touch sensor amplifier that will work for you. These cabinets have a slight tap and a button’s touch that open and close smoothly.
For any queries regarding these Flawless Kitchen Designs, contact us.